My good friend David LoPiccolo left this world Friday night, just three days before his 28th birthday. David suffered from a rare condition - I don't know the scientific name for it, but his body produced a multitude of extra blood vessels, many of which wrapped themselves around his heart, lungs and other organs creating many problems. He went into the hospital in September and began bleeding from an aneurysm in his neck. David bled profusely, requiring 80 units of blood. The bleeding was contained, then started again, contained, started, contained. According to David's brother (and our assistant pastor) Brian, "David's tired body just simply and suddenly stopped."
David was from Long Island, but had lived in Maryland, attending our church for the past few years. I'd met him at a couple of church events, but never really got to know him until one day after church I was talking to someone about the book
Blue Like Jazz. David started asking me some questions about it and I said, "Look, I've got an extra copy. Why don't I bring it next week?"
I brought it and David loved it. David and I started talking about other books, music and movies we both liked. (We discovered we were both die-hard fans of the movie
The Blues Brothers. David could quote the whole thing!) David rode up with me to a youth leadership retreat a few months back, which is where we really got to know each other, spending even more time talking movies, music, books and Christianity.
I remember how amazed I was that David was so aware of his medical condition, yet seemed to be completely at peace with it and his faith. And he was excited to be a part of the youth leadership at church for the upcoming year. I even asked him if he'd like to join me in leading the youth Writing Forum. He said he'd love to.
At the retreat, several pocket New Testaments were available for anyone who wanted one. I didn't take one, but lots of people did. On the way home, David and three other people with their luggage crammed into my Toyota. (David played a Radiohead CD I hadn't heard -
Amnesiac- all the way home.) When we got back to the church and everyone had unloaded their stuff, I told David we should get together sometime soon. He said he'd like that, but he had to go back to New York in a couple of weeks to see his doctor, the country's leading specialist on his condition.
When I got home, I noticed someone had left a pocket New Testament in my car. The next Sunday, I checked with the other three people I'd given a ride to, but they all said the Testament wasn't theirs. Then I found David. As soon as I showed him the pocket Testament, his eyes widened and a smile filled his face. "Hey, you found it! Thanks, man. I might need that."
I never saw him again. David loaned me the Radiohead CD that same day and it's been in my office CD player ever since. I'm listening to it right now. Looking at David's Facebook page, I see we had even more in common than I'd originally thought. This was a friendship I was so looking forward to, one that I could see growing into a lifelong friendship. But God had other plans for David.
I miss him terribly.
I want to close with the email that David's brother Brian sent to several people in the church. Rest in God, David.
Dear All,
Late last evening, 11/23/07, my brother David's earthly life came to an end. It happened quickly, peacefully, without warning after my family and relatives all stepped out of his room for a bit. He passed from this earthly dream into reality. He now lives with his Savior and with those who have gone before us.
After a difficult day, David's tired body just simply and suddenly stopped. God spared him from the painful and messy death he feared. God also spared us from the grief of watching his body suddenly crash. Many nurses and doctors worked terribly to revive him. They grew to admire and truly love David. It is better for David to be with Christ, beyond the suffering and fear of his recent trials.
He stood the test. James, the Lord's brother once wrote, "Blessed is he who perseveres under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him." Receive your crown, brother. You remained faithful to your God, to your words, and to all of us.
By the way, I know many different people will read this. Perhaps some of you think my spiritual tone and optimistic manner is, well, a bit fake. Well, God bless you. I am as real as it gets. Sorrow and joy can co-exist. True reality is full of them both. The unbearable pain is accompanied with real hope and honest gratitude.
Details will come regarding funeral and memorial times, places, etc. Stay tuned for that. I hope many of you will come to mourn David's death and celebrate his new life.
You have prayed so faithfully with us and for David. I will never forget it. Please pray as you wish now. No more prayers for Dave. He's more than fine now. Pray for us.
With love and unending gratitude,
Brian, DAVID LoPICCOLO's proud brother(Photo - David LoPiccolo and his niece Sara)