Marvel's doing it again. They've spiced it up a bit, but they're still reprinting their Silver Age line of classics, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four Volume 1 comes to us in yet another trade paperback format with a new cover, a 1987 introduction from Stan Lee, an excerpt from Origins of Marvels Comics, a few alternate covers and not much else. And the price tag for these reprints from 40+ years ago? In trade paperback? $25.00 Okay, if you get it on Amazon, it's only $16.49.
But I guess when you charge $50 for the hardcover editions of these comics (ten issues to a volume), $25 makes sense to Marvel. Not to me. A few years ago, Barnes and Noble printed a no-frills color edition of many of the Marvel titles for much less. (I believe it was $12.99.) But what really gets me is the colors. They're not the same. I never owned any of the original titles, but I saw them, thanks to friends who owned them. They just don't seem the same to me. Maybe they are. It was over thirty years ago, after all.
I'd really enjoy owning some of the later FF volumes, especially the issues dealing with The Silver Surfer, The Inhumans and The Negative Zone. But as long as the library keeps getting them, I'll save my money. All $25 of it.
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