The new X-Files movie,
The X-Files: I Want to Believe is really calling to me this weekend. I doubt I'll get to see it, what with two library shifts, the Core Reference project and a couple of church activities, but you just never know. Plus I bought Season One on DVD (on-the-cheap, of course) last week and am tempted to watch the entire season again.
Ah, X-Files. Another show that demonstrated its greatness by being better in its second season than its first. Actually, I only remember those two seasons. How many did it wind up going? Seven or something? Doesn't matter. It's like Alias: I only remember the seasons that were actually good.
There were nine seasons, but I've only seen all of Season One and a few other episodes here and there. (By the way, you can get each season for $19.99 TODAY ONLY on Amazon!)
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