I'm really looking forward to the Great Books Celebration in Baltimore in a few weeks. It'll be my first time attending. Great Books is a celebration and discussion of the best books for youth published in 2008. Participants can choose to read from three areas: PIcture Books, Books for Kids and Teen Reads.
Participants sign up for three groupings of books to read and discuss. (You're expected to read all the books in each group before the event.) You can mix and match: the three groups can be one from all three areas if you want. I'm staying in the Teen area. Specifically, I'm reading: (Titles in bold I've already finished.)
Hooper, Mary - Newes from the Dead
Koertge, Ron - Deadville
Valentine, Jenny - Me, the Missing and the Dead
Waters, Dan - Generation Dead
Doctorow, Cory - Little Brother
Dowd, Siobhan - Bog Child
Li, Moying - Snow Falling in Spring: Coming of Age in China During the
Cultural Revolution (NF)
Myers, Walter Dean - Sunrise over Fallujah
Collins, Suzanne - The Hunger Games
Kuklin, Susan - No Choirboy: Murder, Violence, and Teenagers on
Death Row (NF)
Pearson, Mary - Adoration of Jenna Fox
Scott, Elizabeth - Living Dead Girl
So for the next few weeks, my reading is gonna be heavy on the YA side. But so far it's been pretty good.
I should probably have tried to cover all the bases, but maybe next time. I'm really weak in the JPs; a little better in the J-Fic, but I told myself I really wanted to focus on YA this year.
Yeah, they talked about No Choirboy at a Reluctant Reader seminar I went to awhile back and it didn't really appeal to me that much. We'll see...
See you there!
I just finished Me, the Missing, and the Dead, and I really liked it. Hope you enjoy it!
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