It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God (NF 2007) - Ned Bustard, ed.
Okay, this was a book purchased with birthday money, so technically it's not a book bought, but I thought I'd include it anyway. I met Ned Bustard, the book's editor a few weeks ago and was very impressed with him and his ideas about Christianity and art. The book includes some absolutely gorgeous color prints of some really spectacular art. I've just started the book, but so far I highly recommend it.
Trade Paperback; Price = $0

The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment (NF 2007) - Tim Challies
This book was recommended to me by a couple of people as well as by a couple of websites. I'm about 65 pages in and it's excellent.
Trade Paperback; Price = $11.55

Flannery O'Connor and the Christ-Haunted South (NF 2005) - Ralph C. Wood
Regular readers of this blog (That would be you, John.) know that I'm goo-goo over all things Flannery O'Connor, so ordering this book was a no-brainer. So what if I haven't even finished Mystery and Manners? I needed something to push me over into the Free Shipping category on my recent Amazon order, so there you have it.
Trade Paperback; Price = $10.88

The Ultimate Teen Book Guide (NF 2007)
For sale on Amazon at half-price a couple of weeks ago, this book is even cheaper now. I looked over a copy before I bought it, but after a brief glance, I knew it would be a great resource for YA and J-Fiction Readers Advisory. If you're into YA literature, I highly recommend it. (Get it now, while it's cheap and Amazon still has copies left.)
Trade Paperback; Price = $7.95 (but you can get it now for $5.99)

Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences (NF 2006) - Kitty Burns Florey
I used to love diagramming sentences as a kid. (I'm weird that way, I know.) I saw this one at Daedalus Books, the place where my habit manifests itself most.
Hardcover; Price = $5.95

Baseball Field Guide: An In-Depth Illustrated Guide to the Complete Rules of Baseball (NF 2006) - Dan Formosa and Paul Hamburger
I've only gotten into baseball the past few years and haven't seen nearly all the books on the sport, but if there's a better book on explaining the rules clearly, I'd like to see it. I don't see how you could top this one (although there is a newer 2008 edition out).
Trade Paperback; Price = $5.98

Chambers Film Factfinder (NF 2006)
I was standing in the middle of Daedalus Books, reading almost the entire first section on actors when I decided to just buy the blasted thing.
Trade Paperback; Price = $4.95
How do you like that? Not one work of fiction! Hmmmm.... Might have to dwell on that awhile.
Total Book Expenditures for February = $47.26
Next time: The books I actually read.
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