My good friend Kelly is already making his own Halloween preparations and has some great ideas. So here are some of my candidates for this year's Halloween Read:

The granddaddy for this year is the new Library of America 2-volume set American Fantastic Tales, edited by Peter Straub. Although Amazon's price of $44.10 sure beats the $70 list price, I probably won't be buying/reading this one this year.

October Dark by David Herter certainly sounds great, but at $50, I'll probably wait until it comes out in a cheaper edition.

Much cheaper would be Sarah Langan's new novel Audrey's Door, or maybe even another Langan title from 2007, The Missing.

Cheaper still, two books that have been sitting on my shelf unread for a couple of years, Peter Straub's Ghost Story and Ray Bradbury's The October Country.
So what about you? What are you going to read this Halloween?
Hi Andy,
You know I find Halloween posts like these irresistable. Incidentally, Jeffrey Ford's got some good Halloween reading recs up at his blog.
I picked up Langan's new novel today, and hope to get it in before All Hallow's Eve. I'm also contemplating ordering a used copy of Robert Marasco's out-of-print novel, BURNT OFFERINGS. I'm definitely inclined to horror of that vintage (unapologetic horror tales from the 70s).
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for dropping by! I'll check out Jeffrey Ford's recommendations---always good stuff. I'm with you on the 70s horror tales. I recently picked up a copy of William Hjortsberg's Falling Angel. I may join you on the new Langan.
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