Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Vampire plus a Little Story News

I ran across a hardcover edition of this book yesterday (no dust jacket) and saw simply The Vampire (with no subtitle) on the spine, thinking it was a horror novel or maybe even a look at vampires in film or literature. Not so.

Rather than an examination of the vampire in film or literature, The Vampire: A Casebook is a scholarly work dedicated to traditional legends and folklore associated (for the most part) with eastern Europe. The book is published by the University of Wisconsin (Now I know what you guys are really doing up there, Trent.) and includes essays by eleven academic scholars. Some of the essay titles are:

The History of the Word Vampire

The Romanian Folkloric Vampire

South Slavic Countermeasures against Vampires

The Killing of a Vampire

Forensic Pathology and the European Vampire

The Vampire as Bloodthirsty Revenant: A Psychoanalytic Post Mordem

Very interesting stuff. This one will soon be at the top of my "To Read/Non-Fiction" list.


On the story front, this past weekend I was contacted by an editor who expressed an interest in publishing one of my stories and has asked for a revision of the ending, so that's been my recent focus. Keep your fingers crossed.


Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

Getting an editor interested is the first step! Now, gently lead them with a little extra line, give a sharp jerk to set the hook, then start the long arduous process of letting them run and reeling them back in until finally you can land the editor, hit him/her over the head with an oar and demand they give you a contract. Oh wait -- don't hit them over the head. Editors are supposed to be catch-and-release. Ooops, damn. Sorry, everyone.

Dr. Phil

Unknown said...

Good luck with the rewrite Andy! Hopefully both of you see the story heading in the same direction.