I ran across a hardcover edition of this book yesterday (no dust jacket) and saw simply The Vampire (with no subtitle) on the spine, thinking it was a horror novel or maybe even a look at vampires in film or literature. Not so.
Rather than an examination of the vampire in film or literature, The Vampire: A Casebook is a scholarly work dedicated to traditional legends and folklore associated (for the most part) with eastern Europe. The book is published by the University of Wisconsin (Now I know what you guys are really doing up there, Trent.) and includes essays by eleven academic scholars. Some of the essay titles are:
The History of the Word Vampire
The Romanian Folkloric Vampire
South Slavic Countermeasures against Vampires
The Killing of a Vampire
Forensic Pathology and the European Vampire
The Vampire as Bloodthirsty Revenant: A Psychoanalytic Post Mordem
Very interesting stuff. This one will soon be at the top of my "To Read/Non-Fiction" list.
On the story front, this past weekend I was contacted by an editor who expressed an interest in publishing one of my stories and has asked for a revision of the ending, so that's been my recent focus. Keep your fingers crossed.
Getting an editor interested is the first step! Now, gently lead them with a little extra line, give a sharp jerk to set the hook, then start the long arduous process of letting them run and reeling them back in until finally you can land the editor, hit him/her over the head with an oar and demand they give you a contract. Oh wait -- don't hit them over the head. Editors are supposed to be catch-and-release. Ooops, damn. Sorry, everyone.
Dr. Phil
Good luck with the rewrite Andy! Hopefully both of you see the story heading in the same direction.
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