The American Fantasy Tradition (2002)- Brian M. Thomsen, ed.
My Amazon review may have been overly enthusiastic in 2002, but I enjoyed the book so much I knew I'd buy it if I could find it on the cheap. I actually bought the same copy I'd checked out from the library five years earlier. What goes around...

Ghosts and Grisly Things (2000) - Ramsey Campbell
I know it's unthinkable to admit that I've read next to nothing by Ramsey Campbell, but this collection seems a good place to start.

Take Joy: The Writers Guide To Loving The Craft (2003/2005) - Jane Yolen
I enjoy both Yolen's children's/YA fiction as well as her writer's journal. There are some real jewels in this book for all writers.

The Imago Sequence and Other Stories (2007) - Laird Barron
I'd read a couple of Barron's oddly disturbing horror stories in magazines, so buying this debut collection was a no-brainer.

9Tail Fox (2005/2007) - Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Charles Brown mentioned this book in Locus a couple of years ago. Most of the time we have different tastes, but this one intrigued me: a sf/noir thriller about a murdered San Francisco cop who wakes up in another man's body to investigate his own murder.

The Truth Is Out There: Christian Faith and the Classics of TV Science Fiction (NF 2006) - Thomas Bertonneau and Kim Paffenroth
I picked this one up thinking it would be a light, fun read. Light, no. Fun, yes. More about this one later.

Haunted (2005) - Chuck Palahniuk
I'm not a huge Palahniuk fan, but I thought most of Diary was very good. But after reading the back of the dust jacket -
Writers' Retreat: Abandon your life for three months. Just disappear. Leave behind everything that keeps you from creating your masterpiece. Your job and family and home, all those obligations and distractions - Put them on hold for three months...
Sounds like something I've done before...

Ysabel (2007) - Guy Gavriel Kay
Somewhere in the convoluted area of my mind, I could've sworn this novel was nominated for a World Fantasy Award (but of course it's not: it's a 2007 release), so I picked it up at a library sale. I loved Kay's Tigana, but have never been able to get into any of his other works. We'll see what happens with this one.

Flora Segunda: Being the Magickal Mishaps of a Girl of Spirit, Her Glass-Gazing Sidekick, Two Ominous Butlers (One Blue), a House with Eleven Thousand Rooms, and a Red Dog (YA 2007) - Ysabeau S. Wilce
One look at the title and you know this is a fun-filled book that doesn't take itself too seriously. I think I first read about it in Locus.

Bound to Please (NF 2005) - Michael Dirda
Reviews and essays of a broad scope of books from Dirda's 20+ year career as writer at the Washington Post.

Counting Heads (2005) - David Marusek
I missed the boat on this one when it came out, so I was glad to find it at a thrift store. The trade paperback edition is coming out on October 16.

Ill Met in Lankhmar (1970/1995) - Fritz Leiber
This volume consists of the first two entries in the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series, the beginnings of which can be traced all the way back to a story Leiber published in 1939 in Unknown. (The original collection, Swords and Deviltry, came out in 1970.) This is a classic series that I haven't read, but should.
That's it for August purchases. Next time, August Books Read
When do you find time to read all of these books?!
I'm still looking for the answer to that one...
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