When I tell guys that my wife goes on tour for nearly a month every year, their eyes light up, no doubt dreaming of unless rounds of golf, turning the house into a landfill or more sordid revelry.
How wild does it get around here? How about eating an entire bag of Baked Lays in one sitting? Or watching three episodes of 24 in a row? How about reading until 11:30? (Yes, that would be PM.) Just let your imagination run wild...
Anyway, since I have a little time, I've decided to purge not only my CDs (which I do pretty much every year), but also my DVDs, watching each one I've either never watched or haven't watched in over a year. Yeah, that's a tall order. Will I finish before Cindy gets back? Are you kidding?

I started last night on 8 1/2, one of the "Never Seen" variety. I bought this from a friend of mine for five bucks a couple of years ago. He said it was too weird for him. I've watched about half of it...it definitely requires multiple viewings, but so far I like it. (Not saying I understand it all, mind you, only that I like it.)
We'll see if I make it to the end of the alphabet, which in my case would be The Wizard of Oz. That's a lot of Baked Lays bags between now and then.
I'm focusing my efforts on studying and getting through the stuff in the Netflix queue that I know Lera doesn't want to see, mostly Westerns and stuff in black and white.
I just got Michael Clayton from Netflix and hope to watch it tonight. If I can see Juno and Atonement before Sunday night, it'll be the first time I've ever seen all the films nominated for Best Picture before the awards are handed out.
Being home alone ain't that great. Amy was in Chicago this past weekend and in Minneapolis for a conference next weekend. I read, wrote, and stayed up way too late playing on the Xbox 360. Which is pretty much the same weekend routine when she is home, only lonelier.
And that's only for a total of a few days! A whole month? Sheesh.
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