Tell My Horse: Voodoo Life in Haiti and Jamaica - Zora Neale Hurston
Zora Neale Hurston's account of her travels to Haiti and Jamaica, where she not only observed but actually participated in several Voodoo rituals. This book was mentioned by Andy Duncan, writer of the superb short story "Zora and the Zombie."

On Stranger Tides - Tim Powers
I'm glad Subterranean Press published a nice hardcover edition of this hard-to-find Powers title at a VERY reasonable price. This edition isn't signed and has no extras, but it's still good news for Powers fans.

Share Your Master's Happiness - Glenn Parkinson
This quarter's pick for our bi-weekly Men's Study Group. (Parkinson is also our pastor.)

Starting Friction - Tenea D. Johnson
Collection of poetry from friend and fellow Clarion 2004 graduate Tenea D. Johnson.

Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God - Bob Kauflin
Another book I wanted to read dealing with the role of worship in the church.

Black Belt Librarians: Every Librarian's Real World Guide to a Safer Workplace - Warren Graham
Graham's training workshop yesterday was informative and well-presented. So much so that I bought a copy of his book.
Ever read any William Willimon? He was the chaplain at Duke for years. We just finished one of his books in our Sunday School class on the Seven Deadly Sins. Willimon pulls no punches and has a dry, biting wit that was at best refreshing and at worst a bit different from what you usually read in such books. Good stuff.
I have not, but he sounds interesting. Got a copy I can borrow? :)
Good to see that you can buy "Black Belt for Librarians" for a reasonable $115 on Amazon.com.
Or sell it I suppose...
Those people are insane. It's probably cheaper to fly to the author's home, let him sell you one for the cover price ($14), and fly home. Well, maybe not at the current fuel prices....
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