Gasoline prices got you depressed? Ruined your vacation plans? Well, forget all about that. What you need is the Bibliochaise, a literal reading chair produced and sold by an Italian company called Nobody & Co. (Go to the upper right for Products, then find Bibliochaise. Click on the chair and cushion to change colors.)
How cool is this? Of course, nowhere on the site does it mention the price. (Never a good sign.) But it looks pretty tempting, huh? Although I think it should probably have a beverage holder somewhere. Maybe you could have a matching end table with a few _____________________________ novels (pick your least favorite author) stacked up with a hole drilled through large enough to house a can or bottle. (Just an idea, Nobody & Co, just in case you're reading.)
In case you're curious, the chair holds about 16 feet of books. (You can also buy a Bibliofootstool that holds a few.) I'd probably put a little bit of everything in mine: short story collections, a few classics, current books, maybe a few reference books. Ah, the possibilities! So what books would you put in your Bibliochaise?
Price and shipping are not mentioned. Sigh. Nor a US distributor. Don't they think us Amuricans reed buuks?
Yeah, I saw the footstool -- wonder how easy it is to knock the books out of the slots when you shove the footstool around. (grin)
Dr. Phil
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