If you're somewhat bored with your current choices in music, you've got to check this out. I don't think I can improve on this description from The Clarinet:
Becoming a fan of Edmund Welles is a process: first there is shock, followed by confusion, interest, and eventually infatuation. Edmund Welles bass clarinet quartet...defies expectations and shatters preconceived ideas of chamber music, invoking images of heavy metal and medieval occultism. This could be the musical child of Led Zeppelin, Spinal Tap, and David Lynch, in the form of a bass clarinet quartet.
I know, I know, you can't get past the photo. Well, click on some of their audio clips, close your eyes and experience something really unique. (If you want more, go here.)
In my experience, bass clarinetists are a different breed. Says the guy who played B-flat and E-flat (!) soprano clarinet in high school.
Dr. Phil
How about alto clarinet? You know the definition of a nerd: a guy that owns his own alto clarinet. :-)
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