Monday, January 26, 2009

Status Report

In the first four weeks of 2009 I've managed to send out as many stories as I did in all of 2008. (Yeah, 2008 was not a great year for writing, although I did get one story published, "Your Picture With Satan" in Ballista.)

I'm working on the third draft of my YA novel, currently revising Chapter 21 of 25. It probably needs another draft, but right now I think it needs to be read by somebody besides me. I've got a few people that have offered to read it (thereby giving me a break from it), so we'll see what they say before going any further. I'd love to just start shopping it around, but it probably has too many things that need to be addressed. But I really need a break from it, if only to work on a few short stories that have been brewing for awhile.

I also need a haircut. Badly. That's where I'm off to now.

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