Most years I find it impossible to watch all the movies nominated for Best Picture and that's when there were only five. With ten, forget it. But I did get to see four of them. Of those four (The Hurt Locker, Up, District 9, and Avatar), I did feel that The Hurt Locker was the best of the lot. There's too little time before work to go into much detail, but thought it was the most compelling story that was handled in most interesting way. (District 9 had some elements of a compelling story, but took awhile for them to develop.)
So what are your thoughts? Is The Hurt Locker deserving? Ready to cry "Foul!"? Is Bigelow Queen of the World?
Though it has its detractors vis a vis its accuracy, The Hurt Locker was a pretty good film about a tough job with an unstable main character. (Going off reservation into the city on a personal vendetta mission? Really?) I think it could've gone either way with it and Avatar for Best Picture. In fact, I would've given Avatar the nod for Best Picture and Bigelow for Best Director. But I'm not displeased with the results, either.
Dr. Phil
I saw 7 out of the 10 nominated Best Pictures (Up in the Air, Inglorious Basterds, The Blindside, Avatar, The Hurt Locker, District 9, Up).
I honestly would have given the nod to Up.
I thought that was such an incredible movie.
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