No posts for the next few days - yeah, I know, it's not like I've been lighting it up lately, but at least I'm giving you fair warning. My nephew Travis is getting married this weekend, so I'll be in the great state of Texas, where I lived for 4.5 years, more specifically in Arlington where I lived and taught for 3.5 years.
I'm looking forward to the trip, but...what do I take to read???
Possible candidates:
The Dark Descent - huge horror anthology edited by David Hartwell. Maybe too huge (1000+ pages).
The Perfect Host - Volume V: The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon Been meaning to read some Sturgeon lately. Not as big (or heavy) as the Hartwell.
Dark Forces - 1989 horror anthology edited by Kirby McCauley. This one may get the nod - It's the only mass market paperback under consideration.
Cast your votes! See ya soon.
If I was taking only one, I wouldn't take a single-author collection. You could get two days in and realize that you really can't stand how this guy doesn't use quotation marks (or whatever) and be left with nothing to read.
And when in doubt I always take the bigger book.
Yeah, I've pretty much ruled out the Sturgeon, although I'm sure it's great. If the Hartwell weren't so blasted bulky. I think it's gonna be the McCauley.
You could always take two books. ;)
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