Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Where Have All the Westerns Gone?

I weed every day. Not outdoors in the yard or garden, but in the library, specifically Adult Fiction. We have a pretty small section of Westerns, as I suspect most libraries do these days. A very dedicated few are keeping that section going, checking out the same 20 or 30 titles over and over. Zane Grey and Louis L'Amour are mainstays with a few Elmer Kelton and Elmore Leonard titles thrown in, but otherwise the Western is dying a slow death.

Maybe you have to have been from an older generation to truly appreciate a Western novel or story. I've only read a handful of Westerns but I saw lots of Western movies as a kid. Maybe that's a generational thing, too. When I was a kid, Gunsmoke was nearing the end of its 20-year run on television. I watched it from time to time, but even as a kid, the show struck me as somewhat sanitized, a little too squeaky-clean for the Old West.

In sharp contrast were the Western movies. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, watching Clint Eastwood as The Man With No Name and some of the more non-traditional Westerns like High Plains Drifter, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid and A Fistful of Dynamite. I didn't even know about the earlier tradition of classic Westerns like Stagecoach, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, My Darling Clementine, The Searchers and tons of others.
So I suppose I came to the table after most of the good cards had been dealt. Later I understood the attraction (and sometimes, even, the genius) of the American Western film, even though I largely ignored Western Fiction. Maybe I should make it a point to check out one of those Louis L'Amour books and see what the fuss was all about. Before they're all gone.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The City and the City (2009) - China Miéville

While I confess to never having read a China Miéville novel before The City and the City, I have read a few of his short stories. From those I came away with the sense that one of Miéville’s favorite themes is the uneasy, sometimes foreboding feeling one gets after realizing that the forces in this world that can’t be seen are more unsettling than the ones we can. The City and the City is, in a very fundamental way, about this feeling, but it is so much more.
The novel begins with a detective named Borlú assigned to solve the murder of a young woman in his home city of Beszel. No problem, right? Ah, but Beszel co-exists in the same place as another city, Ul Qoma. The citizens of one city have been trained for generations to ignore or “un-see” anything that might go on in the other city. Each city has its own police force and judicial system, but anyone caught “crossing over” into a place they don’t belong or participating in an activity that would cause one to “recognize” the other city comes under the jurisdiction of the Breach, a powerful entity that seemingly sees all, knows all, and tells nothing.
If it all sounds ludicrous, trust me that Miéville is talented (okay, brilliant) enough to make it all work. Even when Borlú is granted permission to investigate the case in Ul Qoma, I thought the whole thing was going to fall apart, but Miéville clearly has it all figured out in a way that, if you think about it, makes perfect sense.
The easy danger in reading The City and the City is in trying to turn everything into a metaphor. Yes, anyone who’s lived in a city (or even visited one, for that matter) knows that certain people can be ignored or un-seen, that the culture of a city sometimes exists on such behavior, but Miéville is doing far more than tossing metaphors around. He’s showing us ideas, big ideas having to do with philosophy, perception, motivation, manipulation, behavior control, mind control and much more. And, by the way, it’s a darned good detective tale.
The City and the City is a labyrinthine tale that is the ultimate “You can get lost in it” novel. Yet reading it is anything but a frustrating experience. This is the most mind-expanding (and the best) novel I’ve run across this year. There’s a reason it’s been nominated for a long list of awards: it’s stellar. Read it.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Now What?

I've have much more to say about China Miéville's novel The City and the City next time, but for now, I'm in a quandary: The novel is so good and resonated so well with me that just about anything I read after it is bound to be a major disappointment. Maybe the thing to do is read something at the polar opposite of this book, something completely goofy or maybe a short story collection.
So what book(s) have you read that you finished, thinking, "That's it. Nothing will ever top this one!"?
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Let Your Dog Organize Your NetFlix Queue
It's early on, but my dog is becoming quite the critic. We've had Broadway a little over a month and he's already making his movie tastes known to us. A couple of nights ago I tried watching Superman Returns. About 20 minutes into it, he started whining, so I stopped the movie and took him outside for a walk.

Last night I watched another hour of the film before I got bored with it. Broadway was way ahead of me. He got off his bed in the basement (in front of the TV) and went upstairs to his much less comfortable blanket.

Yet he stayed with me for every minute of the Wim Wenders film Wings of Desire (1987). (Maybe he picked up some German while he was racing?) I may just put him in charge of my NetFlix queue. I just shouldn't be too surprised if I see Space Buddies show up in the mail one day.
Friday, May 07, 2010
This is How It's Done

It astonishes me in this economy how few businesses get it right. Money is tight and when people do have a little bit that they can spend on entertainment (or anything, for that matter), they want it to count for something. People want to walk into a clean, well-maintained, well-stocked store run by friendly, knowledgeable staff who make you feel special. They want a good experience, they don't want to be intimidated or talked down to or jerked around.
The staff at Third Eye Comics in Annapolis know this. I can't think of any store that I've been in lately that's as well run as Third Eye. The entire store is spotless. Not only that, it's organized and has a natural flow to it. There's no wasted space, yet everything is in plain sight, no books hidden behind books, no stacks of merchandise littering the floor, and not a speck of dirt anywhere.
And these guys and gals know their stuff. On my initial visit, the store manager (one of the friendliest, most engaging guys I've ever met) asked me what type of comics/graphic novels I was interested in, made a few no-pressure suggestions and said to let him know if I had any questions. I did have a few and he answered them expertly.
Well, that can happen in lots of places, right? But the next time I came in, he called me by name, named the titles I'd bought previously and asked how I liked them. He does that every time. And he does it with everybody. The guy's memory is incredible.
During Free Comic Book Day last week, Third Eye was a madhouse. Yet the staff had the day exceptionally well planned out and never looked the least bit stressed or shaken. What was even more impressive was walking into the store this week, just days after FCBD. The shelves were completely restocked with incredible stuff. I remember seeing guys checking out on FCBD with several big ticket items. (I bought a fairly big ticket item myself.) Every one of those items had been reordered and were on the shelf.
These guys know their product. They know customer service. That's why they've been nominated for The Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award, honoring the best comic shops in the world. That's right: in the world.
If you want to see a comic shop done right, heck, if you want to see a business done right, take a drive over to Third Eye Comics.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Books Read April

Hellboy Library Edition Volume 1: Seed of Destruction and Wake the Devil (GN 2008) - Mike Mignola, John Byrne
Thoughts on this collection here.

The Weight of Silence (2009) - Heather Gruenkauf
Thoughts on this novel here.

The Losers, Volumes One and Two (GN 2010) - Andy Diggle, Jock
Why is it that British writers are so good at writing about international espionage? Brit Andy Diggle’s The Losers (also a current movie) is an former elite U.S. Special Forces unit that discovers a nasty C.I.A. secret and is wiped out by the agency. Or so the agency thinks. Violent, clever and often hilarious, The Losers won’t be for everyone, but it just might be for you.

Your Best Body at 40+ (NF 2010) - Jeff Csatari
Having been in my 40s for a few years now, and regretting that I don’t look more like the guy on the front cover, I checked this book out from the library and thought a lot of the advice inside was doable, some with a little work, some with a lot. I’m certainly not on the path to consistency, but after two weeks of implementing just a few of the suggestions in this book, I’ve lost ten pounds and feel great. Good advice on just about all aspects of health, but I think the greatest strength of the book is the section on nutrition.

Get Outta My Face! How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens with Biblical Counsel (NF 2009) - Rick Horne
I read this book as research for the Sunday school class my friend Trip and I are currently teaching. Some really good stuff here for parents who’re just about at the end of their rope. Many of the concepts here also could apply to teaching.

Human Target: Final Cut (GN 2002) - Peter Milligan, Javier Pulido
Sort of a Mission: Impossible type of story: Christopher Chance impersonates his clients in order to keep them safe from those out to kill them. A bit confusing; I had to reread a few sections to make sure I was on the right page (no pun intended). An okay read, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to read more. Also a TV series on Fox.

Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn (GN 2010) - Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Philip Tan
Wow, what a fun book! More thoughts on this one here.

Pure Pleasure: Why Do Christians Feel So Bad about Feeling Good? (NF 2009) - Gary Thomas
The first book finished on the Kindle app. for iPhone. Thomas lets us in on some news that’s really no surprise: Christians (some of them, anyway) don’t know how to have a good time. That statement may offend some, but consider how many Christians you know who rarely smile, laugh or admit to enjoying something legitimately pleasurable. Thomas says it’s time to re-examine pleasure and celebrate it in light of Scripture. An excellent book.

A Beautiful Place to Die (2009) - Malla Nunn
An Edgar Award nominee and my favorite read of the month. In 1952 South Africa, a white police chief of Jacob’s Rest, a small village, is murdered. Detective Emmanuel Cooper is sent in from Johannesburg to investigate. Pressure comes down on Cooper to arrest a black man, but everyone on Cooper’s list of suspects is white. Although the novel sometimes relies on stereotypes, the characters are strong and the amount of racial, social and political tension sustained throughout is impressive. Nunn (who is also a screenwriter) really knows how to tell a story.

Nemesis (2002/2009) - Jo Nesbø
Nesbø’s hero’s name is probably the worst (translation) of any detective in the history of crime fiction: Harry Hole. Translated from the Norwegian, Nemesis is an often compelling hunt for a bank robber who also committed a disturbing murder during the robbery. Hole seeks the help of a hardened criminal in finding the robber/killer while Hole himself is being investigated for another murder. I enjoyed Nemesis, but didn’t have much trouble putting it down from time to time. I don’t really know why that was the case, other than this isn’t the first book in the series and maybe I didn’t know all the backstory required to fully enjoy it. (Once again, the American publishers have decided not to release these novels in their original order. The first two books in the series, The Bat Man and The Cockroaches, haven’t even been translated into English yet.)

Kane, Volume I: Greetings from New Eden (GN 2002) - Paul Grist
Police procedural graphic novel that is intriguing, sometimes funny, sometimes confusing. Grist juggles several story lines at once, yet often uses flashbacks that look no different from action going on in the present. Many of the characters look so similar, it’s often difficult to tell who’s who. Still, worth a look.
That's it for April. Get out there and read something.
Monday, May 03, 2010
What's Your (Guilty) Pleasure?

One of my guilty pleasure is the 70s TV show Sanford and Son. I grew up watching the show as a kid and always laugh at it when it's on, even if it's an episode I've seen a dozen times. (My favorite, which never fails to put me on the floor, is the episode focused on Fred's cigarette-smoking habit.)

I love all the characters: Fred, Lamont, Bubba, Grady, Woody, Rollo, and especially Aunt Esther. Nearly all the episodes end the same way, with Fred's get-rich-quick schemes amounting to nothing, but the characters are always nothing short of hilarious.

So what's your guilty pleasure? It can be anything: a TV show, novel, movie. Anything you're comfortable sharing (and I'm comfortable reading).
Friday, April 30, 2010
Edgar Award Winners and Everything Old is New Again
The Edgar Award winners have been announced! As usual with most awards, I'm more interested in reading the books that didn't win rather than those that did. If you read any of these, chime in.

And now from the "Everything Old Is New Again" category: Yesterday I drove over to a comic shop I hadn't been to in nearly ten years when I sold just about my entire collection of comics. It was a day of mixed emotions: I knew I had to make space in our new house and six long boxes of comics were just taking up too much room. Yet I hated to part with them. Some of them I'd collected since I was twelve years old, Silver-Age Spider-Man comics from as early as #18, Fantastic Four issues from the early #30s and more.
But yesterday I went to pick up comics for Free Comic Book Day at the library. I got in a conversation with the owner, the same guy I'd sold my comics to ten years ago. He remembered me and the transaction. I'll never forget that day ten years ago when I left and he'd said "When you're ready to get back into it (collecting comics), stop on in." I told him that, yes, I am back into it now in a manner of speaking, but I'm mainly buying graphic novels rather than individual comics, since they are much easier to store in bookcases.
"Tell you what," he says. "Any graphic novel you like - take 50% off!"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I'm serious."
So I pick up a hardcover edition of Batman: Arkham Asylum, a graphic novel I'd parted with in the collection I'd sold him ten years ago, one that has gone on to become something of a classic.
I left and got to the library and opened the book. I looked at it closely. This graphic novel has been reprinted many times, but this certainly looked like a first edition. Actually it looked like my first edition, the one I'd originally bought in a comic shop in Germantown, Tennessee in 1989 and sold to this guy in 2000. I didn't write my name in books in those days, but I did have a really stupid habit of putting labels carrying my name/address/phone number in the endpages. Sure enough, I saw sticker residue on the front endpage.
This was my graphic novel.
And at half-price it only cost me $12.50.
Let me tell you, it was worth every cent.

And now from the "Everything Old Is New Again" category: Yesterday I drove over to a comic shop I hadn't been to in nearly ten years when I sold just about my entire collection of comics. It was a day of mixed emotions: I knew I had to make space in our new house and six long boxes of comics were just taking up too much room. Yet I hated to part with them. Some of them I'd collected since I was twelve years old, Silver-Age Spider-Man comics from as early as #18, Fantastic Four issues from the early #30s and more.
But yesterday I went to pick up comics for Free Comic Book Day at the library. I got in a conversation with the owner, the same guy I'd sold my comics to ten years ago. He remembered me and the transaction. I'll never forget that day ten years ago when I left and he'd said "When you're ready to get back into it (collecting comics), stop on in." I told him that, yes, I am back into it now in a manner of speaking, but I'm mainly buying graphic novels rather than individual comics, since they are much easier to store in bookcases.
"Tell you what," he says. "Any graphic novel you like - take 50% off!"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I'm serious."
So I pick up a hardcover edition of Batman: Arkham Asylum, a graphic novel I'd parted with in the collection I'd sold him ten years ago, one that has gone on to become something of a classic.
I left and got to the library and opened the book. I looked at it closely. This graphic novel has been reprinted many times, but this certainly looked like a first edition. Actually it looked like my first edition, the one I'd originally bought in a comic shop in Germantown, Tennessee in 1989 and sold to this guy in 2000. I didn't write my name in books in those days, but I did have a really stupid habit of putting labels carrying my name/address/phone number in the endpages. Sure enough, I saw sticker residue on the front endpage.
This was my graphic novel.
And at half-price it only cost me $12.50.
Let me tell you, it was worth every cent.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Books Bought April

The Skylark (2010) - Peter Straub
I was so zipped up after reading the slimmer version of the same novel A Dark Matter that I ordered the longer (200 pages longer, to be exact) version, The Skylark. Straub never ceases to amaze me. Creepy, supernatural, ultra-well-developed characters and a story you think about for days (or weeks) afterward. More Straub, please.

Mirror Kingdoms: The Best of Peter S. Beagle (2010)
I've never read a Peter S. Beagle story I didn't like. Every time I finish one, I think, "Man, I should read more stuff by this guy." Now I can.

Planetary Vol. 2: The Fourth Man (GN 2001) - Warren Ellis, John Cassaday
The Planetary saga is now complete, but I've only read Volume 1. Time to catch up.

Kane Vol. 1: Greetings from New Eden (GN 2002) - Paul Grist
This book was highly recommended in Kennenburg's 500 Essential Graphic Novels, but I've never encountered anyone who'd read it. I figured since I picked it up at a used bookstore for store credit, it wouldn't exactly send me into depression if it's not all that.

Gregor the Overlander (J-Fic 2003) - Suzanne Collins
Orangerful has lately been singing (well, okay, speaking) the praises of this series and since I really like Collins's writing in The Hunger Games series, picking this one up on store credit was a no-brainer.

Kafka on the Shore (2005) - Haruki Murakami
A World Fantasy Award winner from a few years back. I listened to this one on audio a couple of years ago and was utterly captivated. You can't really talk about plot when discussing Murakami; just hang on and enjoy the surrealistic ride. Store credit - Cost: nada.

Zeroville (2007) - Steve Erickson
My favorite novel from 2007, one I wanted to own as soon as I read it. An ex-seminary student with a tattoo of Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor on his bald head arrives in Hollywood in 1969, obsessed with the movies. A wild ride that I hoped would never end. Can't wait to revisit it. Another store credit "purchase."

Hellboy Library Edition Volume 3: Conqueror Worm and Strange Places (GN 2009) - Mike Mignola
I've been on quite a Hellboy kick lately. I've borrowed the first two library editions from (where else?) the library and enjoyed them enough to know I'd like to own them. This volume came up on a Scratch & Dent sale at Things From Another World at half-price, so that was all the incentive I needed. Mignola rocks.
That's what I bought in April. Really, that's all. At least I think it is. Hey, what's this package on my desk?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Okay, Stop Everything...

That Dan Simmons, he's a wild man. Here's his new novel, Black Hills, about a young Sioux warrior named Paha Sapa, who witnesses the death of General George Armstrong Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. Oh, did I mention that Custer's spirit decides to inhabit the Paha's body? And that Paha, later in life, works as a dynamite handler at the site of Mount Rushmore, just as the site is about to be visited by FDR?
For me, this is one of those "Drop everything and read this NOW!" books. Darn that Dan Simmons....
Monday, April 26, 2010
What Book Would You Memorize?

In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse introduces Montag to an underground society that has kept books and literature alive by memorizing them. My friend D. and I were talking about that scene yesterday between services at church. She wondered if there would be books in heaven. I told her I hoped so. She said if the Fahrenheit 451 scene played itself out in heaven with people memorizing books of the Bible, she'd like to have the Gospel of John. I told her that with my faulty memory, Philemon would probably be all I could handle.

So what book would you want to memorize? Don't let the difficulties of memorization hinder your choice. Just imagine you could memorize any book, but make it one book. Which would you choose? And why?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn (GN 2010) - Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Philip Tan

Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn (GN 2010) - Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Philip Tan
If you haven't been keeping up with Batman lately (and no, watching The Dark Knight doesn't count) you might want to brush up on your Batman Encyclopedia or at least check out his Wikipedia articles. You learn early on in Batman Reborn that this is not your typical Bruce Wayne/Batman adventure. This one's got some serious family baggage that might leave you scratching your head, at least initially. But the essentials get explained without becoming a huge infodump.
This Batman and Robin hit the ground running (or rather flying, in an airborne Batmobile), tackling Toad, then moving on to a whole onslaught of villains, most of whom were new to me. The danger, the violence and the stakes are raised with the turn of just about every page as Morrison does a masterful job of not only providing great fight scenes but also adding depth to the characters and their situations. Commissioner Gordon isn't really sure this is a Batman he can trust, but he's placing his confidence in him anyway. This new Robin? He's not so sure about him... Even Alfred has his doubts. And as for the citizens of Gotham, well... Let's just say things are heating up.
Are these guys even worthy to wear the costumes of Batman and Robin? Are they any good? What is good? What is evil? Who's on the right side and what is the right side? Is there even such a thing as a right side? These were questions explored in the film The Dark Knight, but certainly not exhaustively, for Morrison is able to get added mileage out of them, pushing things further and further as the end approaches. And it is quite an end. Highly recommended.
The Edgar Awards

I never really paid a whole lot of attention to them before, but I'm really enjoying my journey through the Edgar Award nominees. I've read Charlie Huston's The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death and am currently reading Jo Nesbo's Nemesis and listening to Malla Nunn's A Beautiful Place to Die.

These novels are so diverse, each so different from each other that, were I judging, it would be really tough to pick a winner. The Best First Novel By An American Author category looks great, too. And even though I was a bit disappointed with the ending of The Weight of Silence, as a first novel, I think it's quite good. I'm very eager to read the other five nominees.
If you've read any of these twelve novels, let me know your thoughts (without spoilers, of course!). The Edgar Awards will be announced next Thursday, April 29.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Weight of Silence (2009) - Heather Gudenkauf

The Weight of Silence (2009) by Heather Gudenkauf is currently up for an Edgar Award for Best First Novel by an American Author. There's lots to like in this gripping tale of seven-year-old girl named Calli, a selective mute who goes missing. Calli's best friend (and interpreter) Petra has also gone missing, setting into motion a powderkeg of pent-up tension, angst and all sorts of family drama.
Gudenkauf tells the story from multiple points of view: Calli's, Petra's, members of their families, and law enforcement officials. With each point of view, we learn more of the relationships between these characters, the baggage they've carried for years, their hopes, dreams and disappointments. Although there are several of them, the point of view changes work because they strengthen both the family tensions and mostly (except when the reflections on the past run a little too long) drive the plot along.
In fact The Weight of Silence works better as a family drama than it does as a mystery. As the book progresses, you soon figure out that there are very few choices as to who has abducted the girls. (Or were they, in fact, abducted?) When it arrives, the solution provides little satisfaction. (Telling you why, at this point, would reveal too much. The book contains many characters, but far too few are really capable of committing the crime[s] involved.) Once the culprit has been identified, the loose ends are wrapped up far too conveniently, so much so that character integrity suffers. The sequence of events that unfolds during the last forty pages just feels far too manipulated.
Still, I like Gudenkauf's writing style and would definitely read more of her work in the future. If you're looking for a mystery that leans more toward family drama, give The Weight of Silence a try.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hellboy Library Edition, Vol. 1 (2008) - Mike Mignola, John Byrne

Mike Mignola’s artwork is highly addictive, at least to someone like me who grew up with the works of Jack Kirby, an obvious influence on Mignola. I’m not sure what it is - maybe it’s those twisted faces that Mignola does so well, maybe the shadow silhouettes or the heavy inking. Maybe it’s the fact that Hellboy is just a cool, fun guy.
If you aren’t familiar with him, Hellboy is indeed one of the good guys. As an infant he was summoned forth from another dimension in order to help the Nazis during WWII, but the little red guy had other plans and sided with the Allies. Working with the Bureau for Paranormal Research, the grown-up Hellboy now (Yes, now. He doesn’t age the way humans do. That whole other-dimension thing, I guess....) fights against the dark forces of the universe, which are seemingly endless.
So what, right? Another superhero fighting the bad guys, just what we need. But Mignola injects an irresistible charm into Hellboy. He’s strong, he’s funny, and usually doesn't take himself too seriously. And like all of us, he’s not perfect. He can slug it out with giant slimy frogs, tackle the most hideous snake-like creatures, then get his butt handed to him from something he didn’t see coming. But throughout, he has an unmistakable moral bent, knowing that the evil side must be fought against.

You may be familiar with the film adaptations Hellboy (2004) and Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008). The graphic novels (from what I’ve seen in this volume, which covers the stories Seed of Destruction and Wake the Devil) are pretty evenly divided between mystery, investigation into the paranormal and action. The movie? Mostly flat-out action. The initial story and the first movie don’t exactly line up, but each version can be enjoyed without ruining anything in the other. The graphic novels tend to be darker, grittier and more Lovecraftian than the films. (Although film director Guillermo del Toro's visual style is just as impressive, just in a different way.) The first graphic novel, scripted by John Byrne, is a little more cohesive than Mignola’s second, but both are stunning. I suppose you could spend a lot of time talking about the philosophies and worldviews of Hellboy, but the main thing is just to sit back and have fun.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Books Read March

Y: The Last Man, Vol. 2 - 10 (GN 2003-2008) - Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra, Jose Marzan, Jr., etc.
When I had a stomach virus in early March, I read just about the entire 10-volume run of Y: The Last Man. It’s a very readable, very hard story to put down about a plague that wipes out the entire male population except for a man and his pet monkey. It’s definitely a quest story with all sorts of action/adventure, death/violence, f-bombs and the like, but you can’t say it’s not compelling; Vaughan sure knows how to write a story. A movie adaptation has been in the works for some time, possibly staring Shia LeBeouf.

Planetary: All Over the World and Other Stories (GN 2000) - Warren Ellis, John Cassaday, Laura DePuy
Three superhumans, known as the organization Planetary are tracking down the world’s secret history. (C’mon, we’ve all been wondering, right?) Weird things happen, secret things, otherworldly things. It’s sort of like The X-Files with superpowers. Good stuff.

The 13th Hour (2009) - Richard Doetsch
This thriller, about a man who’s been given the ability to go back in time and relive each previous hour with the hope of preventing his wife’s murder, has some exciting moments, but grew tedious after a few chapters. Maybe it's just me always being suspicious of time travel stories...

Daredevil: The Devil, Inside and Out, Vol. 1 (GN 2006) - Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark
With very little proof, Matt Murdock has been locked behind bars, suspected of being Daredevil (which he, of course, is). As an added bonus, the prison is packed with criminals DD helped put there for years. It’s hard to believe that Brubaker could produce such a nail-biter that barely shows Daredevil in costume, but the tension sustained in this volume (as well as the starkly drawn work of Michael Lark) is incredible.

A Dark Matter (2010) - Peter Straub
Thoughts here.

Powers: Who Killed Retro Girl? (GN 2000) - Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming
Detectives Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim set out to solve the murder of Retro Girl, one of the city’s most popular superheroes. Sounds routine, yet it’s anything but that. A great combination of noir, superheroes and police procedural.

The Death of Captain America Vol 1: The Death of the Dream (GN 2007) - Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting, Mike Perkins
I highly recommend reading Marvel’s Civil War graphic novel (see below) before tackling The Death of Cap, otherwise you might be as confused as I was.

Jar City (2000/2004) - Arnaldur Indridason
Police procedural set in Reykjavik, Iceland that weighs heavily on atmosphere and detective work, yet still comes across as a gripping read. I definitely plan on reading more by Arnaldur Indridason.

Sacred Scars (YA 2009) - Kathleen Duey
Like it’s predecessor Skin Hunger, Sacred Scars takes its sweet time moving forward, but once it does, it’s fascinating. I’m afraid many teens won’t have the patience to even get to the second book, but the rewards in this series are (so far, anyway) well worth the wait. Told in alternating points of view, both books deal with a school of magic where students must learn or starve. (Hogwarts is a kindergarten compared to this school.) Loaded with mystery and subtlety, Duey has created a fascinating world.

City of Thieves (2008) - David Benioff
A writer asks his grandfather to tell his story of World War II and gets far more than he bargained for. The old man tells of how he survived the Siege of Leningrad, killed Germans, fell in love, and discovered a friend he would never forget. Powerful storytelling. I actually listened to the audiobook narrated by Ron Perlman, which was superb.

The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language - Eugene Peterson
Just what it says: The Bible in contemporary language. A great first Bible for many people, easy to understand and in many instances enlightening.

Cemetery Road (2009/2010) - Gar Anthony Haywood
Three young friends commit a crime in Los Angeles and vow never to see one another again, living with the consequences in silence. Yet twenty-six years later, one of the friends is murdered, causing one of the two surviving friends to break his silence by investigating the murder. This stand-alone novel is wonderfully crafted, full of humanity and suspense. Seek this one out; it’s definitely worth your time.

Civil War (GN 2007) - Mark Millar, Steve McNiven
The characters in the Marvel Universe are being forced to sign a superhero registration act which would (1) allow them to be sanctioned and protected by the government and (2) force them to disclose their identities. Some superheroes are more than eager to comply with the legislation, but others make their feelings known in some very interesting ways. And some switch sides. (I wish I had read this before I read The Death of Captain America.)

Signal to Noise (GN 2007) - Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean
A stunning portrayal of a filmmaker who is dying, yet insists on making one final film, even if the film can only be played in his head. I read this in the midst of a death in my family, so the work had an even greater impact on me than it might have otherwise had. Exceptional art and a hauntingly beautiful story. Probably not for everyone, but it really resonated with me.

Stitches (GN 2009) - David Small
This is one of those books that’s so good, that evokes so many emotions that are so painful that you'll probably never want to read it again. But you should read it once. A dysfunctional family story that will stick with you long after you’ve finished it. Powerful stuff. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
That's it. Get out there and read something.
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