Monday, August 07, 2006

The Weekend

Cindy and I babysat our niece Sarah Saturday night and had a really good time. (Really.) I read two books to Sarah - The Foot Book (which she liked) and Tickle the Duck (which she really liked). I also brought along City of Saints and Madmen, but figured maybe that was a little much...

Got a rejection from Asimov's for "You Can Say Anything You Want." The ending (among other things) needed some work, so I spent part of the weekend making it (hopefully) stronger. Now to send it somewhere else...

I also finished True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey. It's the fictionalized story of the Australian outlaw Ned Kelly. I thought the first half of the book was stronger and more interesting than the second half, but I'd recommend it.

As mentioned above, I started Jeff VanderMeer's City of Saints and Madmen (without Sarah). VanderMeer's writing is just incredible, as are his ideas. His new novel Shriek releases tomorrow, although I seriously doubt I'll have City of Saints finished by then. But has that ever stopped me from placing an order? Anyone who knows me at all knows the answer to that one.


John said...

I picked up City of Saints and Madmen in the bookstore just to browse through it while I was waiting for Lera. I had to put it down after about ten lines because I simply have too much to read already--and that book was demanding to be read. Definitely on my short list of "things to read next."

Andy Wolverton said...

Have you read VanderMeer before? I read Veniss Underground awhile back and enjoyed it very much.

There are a couple of Baileys Borders events coming up I want to see if you're interested in. Maybe we can get together again before long.

John said...

Oh, and another small-person book you should check out (if I've not mentioned it already): I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track, Joshua Prince and Macky Pamituan. It's one of those adventures in iambic rhyme, like the John Lithgow books. Imagine it read by your favorite whiskey-voiced country singer of yesteryear and it's even better. We like this one a lot over here.