Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Weekend, VOYA and Rejection

Quite a weekend. Cindy played a great concert last night with the McLean Symphony and successfully finished a half-marathon today. Medieval Mania went over quite well at the library yesterday (I dressed up as a monk - hopefully pictures to follow) and a great time was had by all. Plus I read a pretty good YA book, This is What I Did: by Ann Dee Ellis.


I'm strongly considering buying a subscription to VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates): The Library Magazine Serving Those Who Serve Young Adults. I flipped through an issue yesterday at the desk when things were slow. Sure, the library gets the magazine and I could read it for free at the desk, but it's probably something I'll want to have at home as well. From what I saw, the articles and reviews are quite impressive.


Ah, it feels like old times: Yesterday I got my first rejection letter in several weeks. I just haven't been sending much out lately, but I'm hoping to change that with a couple of new stories, hopefully one new story a month. That's not a huge amount, but it's better than I've been doing. Plus the novel is still moving right along.


John said...

I've come to see rejection as one of the universe's few tangible acknowledgments that the writer was indeed working all those hours at the computer, and not just playing Scrabulous on Facebook.

Andy Wolverton said...

Sometimes the universe smiles on you.... Big :)

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

Share the love of your rejection over at , a blog set up after the demise of the Speculations log.

Dr. Phil