Saturday, December 31, 2005

Just What I Needed...

I didn't get it for Christmas, but I found a copy of Horror: Another 100 Best Books edited by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman at my local library.

Oh, it's dangerous.

The book is arranged chronologically from The Revenger's Tragedy by Cyril Tourner in 1607 to More Tomorrow and Other Stories by Michael Marshall Smith in 2003. Since I know so little of the horror genre, I figured it might be better to read about what's most current (and hopefully available) and work backward. So far, of the first five entries (or last, in this case), I must, I mean absolutely must read four of them:

More Tomorrow and Other Stories – Michael Marshall Smith (2003)
Since the cheapest price for this book on Amazon is $300, I was delighted to find it in a nearby library.

House of Leaves – Mark Z. Danielewski (2000)
After reading Jeff VanderMeer's essay, I must read this, and soon.

A Haunting Beauty – Sir Charles Birkin (2000)
May be tough to find at a good price, but I'll find a way.

Reprisal – Mitchell Smith (1999)
This one appears the easiest to find/purchase. Amazon has it used from 1 cent.

And I've got 94 more to read about. Plus this is the sequel to the original 1988 book, so make that 194 to go.

Stephen Jones and Kim Newman - why do you do this to me?

Now Playing = Paris, Texas Soundtrack – Ry Cooder
Just Finished Reading = "The Man Who Drew Cats" from More Tomorrow & Other Stories – Michael Marshall Smith

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