Dictionary of Theories (NF 2002) - Jennifer Bothamley
This looked like a great reference book, especially for writers. I'll keep you posted as I use it.
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (1996)
I read Lolita for the first time last year and was blown away, so buying a copy of Nabokov's short fiction was a no-brainer. I've only just started sampling this collection, but so far it's incredible.
Edgar A. Poe : Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance (NF 1992) - Kenneth Silverman
Cindy and I visited Poe's Philadelphia home (which is very creepy) last year and loved it. At the gift shop were several Poe biographies. I wrote down a few titles, did some research at home, and discovered that this seems to be the one most people recommend.
Novelties & Souvenirs : Collected Short Fiction (2004) - John Crowley
I'd previously read and enjoyed a couple of these stories in anthologies. Crowley seems to be one of the few writers embraced in both genre and literary circles - the best of both worlds.
The End of Mr. Y (2006) - Scarlett Thomas
The back cover wrap reads, "Ariel Manto has a fascination with The End of Mr. Y, a book no one alive has read - maybe because it's cursed and everyone related to it (the author, various book collectors, Ariel's doctoral advisor) disappears." How could I resist that?
The Overlook (2007) - Michael Connelly
It's a Michael Connelly Harry Bosch novel. What else needs to be said?
Dean Koontz: A Writer's Biography (NF 1997) - Katherine Ramsland
For awhile, this one was really hard to find, then I saw two copies in two days. Several people several years ago told me it was pretty good. We'll see.
The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer (1983)
Jeffrey Ford recommended Singer's stories to me at Clarion.
The Werewolf of Paris (1933) Guy Endore
This one was tough to find. (I actually found this 1992 paperback reprint at a yard sale amidst all the pregnancy and home-buying books.) Highly recommended in Horror: The 100 Best Books by Steven Jones and Kim Newman.
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Will do. But it'll be awhile. That sucker's huge.
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