Wednesday, June 07, 2006

All Kinds of Fun Stuff

I'm really enjoying my new XM Radio - a great gift from the family. Thanks! I'm eagerly awaiting Bob Dylan's radio show, which will be on in about an hour. This week's topic: songs about jail.


You can find some great stuff on the web by Clarion buddies Nicole Kimberling, Tenea Johnson and John Schoffstall.


Just started reading Naomi Novik's His Majesty's Dragon, which so far is delightful.


John said...

I read John Schoffstall's story yesterday at work. I laughed so hard the new editorial assistant looked in to be sure I wasn't in pain.

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

So which XM unit did you get?

Dr. Phil

Andy Wolverton said...

I got the Delphi Roady XT, swapping back and forth between home and car. So far it's wonderful.