Finished writing the first draft of "The Black," which is now in the hands of my first reader (Cindy). I also started revisions of the YA novel I finished a few months back. Lots to do.
XM Radio sure is great, but I'm encountering some painful reminders that maybe all the music from the 70's wasn't so great. In the span of just an hour or two, I encountered England Dan & John Ford Coley, Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods and the dreaded "Convoy" by C.W. McCall. I wonder if we have any Pepto in the house...
Now Playing = "Kodachrome" - Paul Simon
Where's the love for McCall's pungent poetry? He's got interior rhyme (dark of the moon on the sixth of June) and works in concrete images (a Kenworth pullin' logs/a Jimmy full of hogs). Truly one of the underappreciated poets of our age. (Does anyone wonder why?)
I think my love for the genius of C.W. McCall lies somewhere between Coven's "One Tin Soldier" and Johnnie Taylor's "Disco Lady," both of which I'm subjected too on a far too regular a basis.
Every generation has its highs and lows. I still think there's more great stuff from the 70s than say the 90s -- I find much of the 00s to be vacuous at best. (grin)
Dr. Phil
BTW -- you cannot know how much of an anthemn Kodachrome was to all us school newspaper and yearbook photographers -- got a Ni-kon camera... and all!
And to think I used to be obsessed with something other than computers and SF writing...
Dr. Phil
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